Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Hunt For Red Ram-Tober...

So I didn't quite pull off the title like I thought I would, but oh well!

So after a few months of solid searching I finally found a Nintendo 64 Expansion Pak at a decent price, while I have seen them floating around eBay for $20-$30aud I wasn't that desperate for one as I only owned two games that used it (And only 1 that required it) but none the less it has been on my list and I finally found one for the lovely price of $13, which is cheaper than I had seen 3rd party ones go for, and I have heard reports of those damaging N64's so I decided to stay away.

Finally a bit more 'umph' under that hood.

I wont give a review or anything like that but just wanted to give my thoughts on it, take in to account I only own two games that use it, which are Star Wars Pod Racer and Perfect Dark. Pod Racer lets you up the Res of the game, and I have to say it makes a massive difference, once you play on Hi-Res for a few minutes, switch it back and the screen suddenly looks overtly blurry, it still has short comings compared to the Dreamcast version, such as lack of Music, but this differently brings them much closer in terms of graphics. Perfect Dark needs to Pak to play the single player campaign, when you switch from lo-Res to hi-Res the difference again is pretty massive. If you own any games that can use the Expansion Pak (Or if you wish to get the select few games that require it) then I highly suggest picking one up, if you can find one at a decent price. If I ever get my hands on a capture card I will upload some comparisons, as taking photo's of the TV doesn't do it justice.

To be able to play Zelda MM / DK64 / P-Dark, its worth it alone, there are just some bonuses in a handful of other games which you might own which will have a small but worthwhile face lift.

PS: I was shocked at the amount of videos I had seen showing people how to remove the jumper pak without the key that was originally supplied with the Expansion Pak, use the lid off the casing, it took 10 seconds.

Stay Retro.

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